Day 10 - Aphrodesias

Our main destination today was the ancient city of Aphrodesias, but we made two stops along the way. The first was at the farmer's market in Korkuteli. This was definitely a local farmer's market. I think we were the only tourists there. You can see the women in typical dress: baggy pants and headscarves.

Several of us bought some baggy pants. They're really comfortable. We each had the goal of buying a gift for our "buddy" and we exchanged them that evening. It was fun seeing what everyone chose.

The next stop was at a pleasant roadside resort where we had lunch with "Tango" the parrot. They tell me that Tango sometimes sings along with his owner, but we couldn't convince him to do it.


Our main stop for the day was the ancient city of Aphrodesias[*][*]. Turkey has many "ancient cities" - ruins from classical Greek or Roman times. We visited three on this trip: Aphrodesias, Heirapolis, and Ephesus.

The temple was dedicated to Aphrodite (hence the name). Aphrodesias suffered a major earthquake in the 6th Century and much of it was destroyed.

I think this was the hottest day of the entire trip. It was miserable under the afternoon sun and I was really beginning to wilt as we explored the city. Our last stop was at this gateway. There was a sprinkler on, watering the grass here (the only one I saw the entire trip). I couldn't resist the temptation to walk through it. It felt wonderfully cool! Suddenly I felt revived! Ah, the pleasure of simple things.